Friday, December 10, 2010

Day TwentySeven: The Verdict on Paleo.

The sunset the other night on my way to crossfit. :)

For all of you who have not been following along for the past 27 days, I have been giving the "Paleolithic" way of eating a chance. For all of you who have been following along... Yes, I still technically have one day left of my paleo commitment. I mentioned on Day One, when I first heard about it at crossfit a year and a half ago I definitely had my reservations, doubts, etc., b
ut as I have been transitioning myself over to eating Paleolithic I have really been enjoying the results. I have noticed my body and joints are not as achy as they once were, I have a ton of energy, I am not craving sweets at all, my skin is healthier, and as much as I was not doing this to "lose weight" an old pair of jeans of mine that I have had for about 8 years I put on last night and they fit better than the last time I wore them almost a year ago! So that was slightly exciting, but besides the point... I have noticed that not just my sweet cravings have diminished, but so have cravings for foods that are not "paleo". My body is beginning to crave "paleo" foods! Yay! I did, however, make a small exception to the paleo rule and have allowed myself a few complex carbs such as, sweet potatoes and on some occasions I have allowed myself some cheese. Both were in very small quantities and it was definitely on the occasion. I, of course, was NOT an angel and did eat some sweets, enjoyed some adult beverages, and had an occasional meal with starchy carbs, but this whole "paleo" thing for me is a process/transition/and it's the Holidays! ;) I think it's okay to sometimes veer off the path [it's gonna happen! or you will hate your life...please don't hate your life ;) ] just as long as you get back on the path as quick as possible. Below is a link to what "paleo" is and it also talks about variations of the paleo diet on including some complex carbs [sweet potatoes], etc. I, however, never thought I'd say this, but have enjoyed taking dairy out of my daily diet. I have virtually not had any stomach issues, etc. the entire time with exception of when I have allowed myself some cheese... which totally makes me not want to eat it at all! I really am amazed and I am super pumped to be building my strength back up and getting back into my crossfit routine once again. Yay! I thought at the end of this whole experiment I would just go back to my regular "healthy" eating, but I think I'm gonna keep paleo around a little while longer.

I have had quite a few requests and so for all of you that are interested I will be posting different paleo and non-paleo, but healthy recipes each day along with my regular blog posts on life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
Happy Friday, y'all! :)

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