Okay, ever since I was introduced to CrossFit I have not stopped hearing about a little something called, Paleo. That is one of the first questions fellow crosffiters will ask each other... "Are you Paleo?" At first I was clueless about what it was and after I heard it was a type of "diet" I totally wrote it off as some fad and gave no more attention to it. All I knew about it was that you were not allowed to eat ANY grains, sugar, or dairy. I said, "No, thanks!"
Just recently I started doing some research as to what it really is and the more I continue to read the more interested I have become. It is basically described as eating the way the cavemen did way back when before farming and grains took over... Before these potentially toxic foods began replacing key essential whole foods like meat, vegetables, fruits, and nuts.
My back injury back in August actually sparked my new found interest in dicovering what Paleo really is about. I had started seeing a doctor that practices A.R.T (active release technique). What is A.R.T, you say? ART is a patented, state of the art soft tissue system/movement based massage technique that treats problems with nerves, muscles, fascia, tendons, and ligaments. It is used to break down the dense scar tissue from past or previous injuries that constrict tissues from moving freely and which can also trap nerves. Every time I would go in he would comment on how incredibly inflamed my muscles were and not just near the site of my injury... Everywhere! Inflammation = pain, swelling, loss of function. He would ask me every week what my diet was like and would tell me I needed to remove all grains, carbs, etc. from what I consume on a daily basis. Of course, me being so "nutritionally aware", I was slightly offended. How dare he question my "diet". I mean, I love eating "healthy" and "clean"... I'm a certified physical fitness specialist and went to school for nutrition for crying out loud. I stubbornly decided not to listen to him. What did he know? He was a soft tissue chiropractor, not a nutritionist.
His words continued to haunt me. I began to look up stuff here and there, but I was by no means sold on that way of eating. I was trained and whole heartedly believe that complex carbs are needed for maximum performance and health in general. I totally understand eliminating simple sugars and that sugar, itself, impairs the immune system and does absolutely nothing for us nutrtionally speaking, but I need my carbs!!! ...Or so I thought. The more I continue to research and learn about grains, the more I am feeling inclined to try out the whole "Paleo" lifestyle. I'm not saying I believe it all, but I am willing to give it a chance. I think my inflamed body deserves to find out. So starting today, yes, a week before Thanksgiving, I am attempting to go Paleo for at least the next 30 days. I do not expect myself to be perfect with Thanksgiving around the corner, but I am definitely going to give it a chance. I will reserve a NO Paleo day for Thanksgiving, of course.
I am also looking at this as a way of life, a way of thinking, not as a "diet", but hopefully an anti-inflammatory one. I will do my best to keep y'all updated on my Paleo experience. So far today I have had 4 egg whites and a half Asian pear for breakfast and for a snack I had a hard boiled egg (excluding the yolk) and a kiwi. Now it's about time for lunch! Here we go!
Eating Paleolithic:
Just recently I started doing some research as to what it really is and the more I continue to read the more interested I have become. It is basically described as eating the way the cavemen did way back when before farming and grains took over... Before these potentially toxic foods began replacing key essential whole foods like meat, vegetables, fruits, and nuts.
My back injury back in August actually sparked my new found interest in dicovering what Paleo really is about. I had started seeing a doctor that practices A.R.T (active release technique). What is A.R.T, you say? ART is a patented, state of the art soft tissue system/movement based massage technique that treats problems with nerves, muscles, fascia, tendons, and ligaments. It is used to break down the dense scar tissue from past or previous injuries that constrict tissues from moving freely and which can also trap nerves. Every time I would go in he would comment on how incredibly inflamed my muscles were and not just near the site of my injury... Everywhere! Inflammation = pain, swelling, loss of function. He would ask me every week what my diet was like and would tell me I needed to remove all grains, carbs, etc. from what I consume on a daily basis. Of course, me being so "nutritionally aware", I was slightly offended. How dare he question my "diet". I mean, I love eating "healthy" and "clean"... I'm a certified physical fitness specialist and went to school for nutrition for crying out loud. I stubbornly decided not to listen to him. What did he know? He was a soft tissue chiropractor, not a nutritionist.
His words continued to haunt me. I began to look up stuff here and there, but I was by no means sold on that way of eating. I was trained and whole heartedly believe that complex carbs are needed for maximum performance and health in general. I totally understand eliminating simple sugars and that sugar, itself, impairs the immune system and does absolutely nothing for us nutrtionally speaking, but I need my carbs!!! ...Or so I thought. The more I continue to research and learn about grains, the more I am feeling inclined to try out the whole "Paleo" lifestyle. I'm not saying I believe it all, but I am willing to give it a chance. I think my inflamed body deserves to find out. So starting today, yes, a week before Thanksgiving, I am attempting to go Paleo for at least the next 30 days. I do not expect myself to be perfect with Thanksgiving around the corner, but I am definitely going to give it a chance. I will reserve a NO Paleo day for Thanksgiving, of course.
I am also looking at this as a way of life, a way of thinking, not as a "diet", but hopefully an anti-inflammatory one. I will do my best to keep y'all updated on my Paleo experience. So far today I have had 4 egg whites and a half Asian pear for breakfast and for a snack I had a hard boiled egg (excluding the yolk) and a kiwi. Now it's about time for lunch! Here we go!
Eating Paleolithic:
Going Paleolithic means staying away from the following:
- Grains (including breads, pasta)
- Beans (including string beans, lentils, kidney beans, peanuts, peas)
- Potatoes
- Dairy products
- Sugar
- Salt
P.S. GOOOO Texans!!! Please don't break my heart today.
good luck nicole! (<--i feel like that sounds sarcastic.. its not supposed too) im excited for your 'paleo adventure,' and look forward to hearing how it works out for you...very curious indeed. :)
ReplyDeleteGo Nicole! I know you'll do it because you do anything you set your mind to! Love, Mom :)
ReplyDeleteThanks, Linzey! :)
ReplyDeleteAww... Thanks, Mom! :)