Sunset on Huntington Beach

Rylee on the carousel at the Irvine Spectrum [a super cool outdoor mall]

Rylee watching a street performer at Surf City Nights...a weekly fair down on main street and just a 5-7 minute walk away!

We made fudge brownies one night. Rylee's favorite way to help? -Cleaning the bowl.

This is at the weekly farmers' market down on the beach and just a couple blocks away from home. These strawberries are seriously the best strawberries I have ever had!!!

Just another day at the beach [huntington beach]. Just about a block and a half away from our door...

Rylee's first time to the

We spent Rylee's 5th birthday at
Disneyland! She had such a magical day!

We rode the Teacups!!! :)

The BEST ride by far...in my opinion. Rylee Loved this one!

The Bobsled ride...Rylee loved this one, too!

Rylee and Belle

Rylee and Princess Liana

Rylee and Ariel...her FAVorite princess by far. I am pretty sure she was starstruck.

Disneyland fireworks! The reason Rylee wanted to go to Disneyland...she found this Disneyland brochure and saw all the characters and the fireworks and couldn't think of anything better than to have fireworks on her birthday...at

Birthday Princess Rylee is ready to meet her favorite Disney Princesses!

The Disney Diva posing in front of Sleeping Beauty's Castle

More birthday cake at lunch...chocolate mousse pie! :)


Mickey Cookie! She actually did NOT want to eat this cookie so we took a picture of it instead.

At the Disneyland Town Hall where Goofy called Rylee to sing her Happy Birthday!

She asked for more "wishes"...aka candles.

The Dumbo Ride shortly after a traumatic experience on Space Mountain. :)

danced the night away...until the fireworks show, that is.

Again the Diva Birthday Princess Rylee...about to get lots of autographs in her book...

Sunset over the Golden Gate

Biking through Sausalito after crossing the Golden Gate Bridge

My sweet cheeky baby!



The Golden Gate

We took a boat ride in the San Fransisco Bay.


I LOVE that street!

Same street from the pic before is in the background.

The drive up the Pacific Coast Highway...

I love trolleys.

Rylee playing in the hotel pool during our trip to San Diego.

Rylee striking a pose, of course.

hotel marina where we stayed on the San Diego Bay. It was such a beautiful day!!

The most beautiful sunset over Mission Beach, San Diego, CA about a week ago.

This is definitely in my top 3 favorite childhood movies. It is fabulous, just FABulous! I'm trying to think of my other 2. I guess those would have to be Dirty Dancing ranking at numero uno, of course, and She's Outta Control in a close finish next to the above.

Shirley Temple!

Beverly Hills Cop. Please tell me why I got SO excited when I saw this happening?? I seriously think it was the highlight of the trip, for me anyways...well, right behind meeting Jamie Foxx...at the atm.

We went to Beverly Hills a few weeks ago and yes, we met Jamie Foxx...at the atm. Good times.

I take so many pictures everyday I think she must think she's a model?? She will literally stop mid-walk and ask me to take her picture here or there and then strikes a pose. Not sure what I think of this, but at least she lets me take her picture! :) Believe it or not, she used to scream if I made her stop and smile for a picture. Every picture used to be an action shot...not anymore!
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