Oh, wow. It is Saturday morning and I can barely move thanks to crossfit on Thursday. I tried to make myself go to yoga this morning, but that didn't happen so we, meaning I, went for a run. I usually will take Rylee in the jogging stroller, but not today. She BEGGED and begged some more to ride her bike while I ran, so I decided to let her give it a try. I also warned her that if Mommy had to keep stopping because she was tired, etc. that she would not have a very happy mommy. She said so boldy, "No stopping for me! Don't worry, Mommy!"
So, we head down 12th to PCH and make a right. We cross over to the beach side at 17th and by that time we have barely gone .4 of a mile and Rylee starts asking, "So, how far have we gone? I need water!" ...and on and on. OMG. I remind her of what I said before we left and told her she could get some water down a little further at the water fountain. At 1.3 miles she is asking if we're almost done and continues to sporadically make stops with absolutely NO warning. Frustration sets in and all I can think about is finishing my 3 miles like I had planned on doing. Grrr. Now, drill sergeant Mommy takes over..."C'mon, Rylee...keep moving! You can do it! Use your muscles! We're almost there! Do. Not. Stop!"
Before you start thinking I'm some ruthless mother let me explain something. I did warn her in detail about the distance we were going and that it would be hard and there would be hills and that if Mommy had to keep stopping to wait for her that she would not have a very happy mommy. She knew what to expect and that's when a kid just has to learn to suck it up and stay the course to the end...and my Rylee did just that. I knew it would be tough for her and yes, I got frustrated, but WE were not going to stop. We were going to finish what we set out to do. By choosing to ride her bike even after she had been warned meant she was choosing to take on the responsibility of finishing the course. It was hard for her, but she didn't give up. Go Rylee!
P.S. Tomorrow we will most definitely be back in the jogger. Thank you, Jesus. :)
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