Monday, August 9, 2010

Fun in the Sun [with Ms. Sickie]!

This past weekend and week was filled with days at the beach, playing with friends, movies, and pool parties... I have been trying to get over being sick.
being sick as most people do, but I seriously think I might have a problem.
I will try to explain.
Here is what I do:
With all my might I will attempt to ignore the feeling that I could possibly be sick, running a fever, feeling super achy, exhausted, and have a sore throat.

The reason?
I hate being restricted from doing the things I want to do, things I have planned, and things that simply need to get done...and being sick simply only causes one to have cancel plans, workouts, and schedule doctor appointments??! Heck NO! Being sick is quite inconvenient...and did I mention I'm not much of a fan of the doctor??
Not cool.
I loathe the feeling of being sick with a passion and yes, I still worked out and did everything I listed above while trying to pretend that I wasn't sick.
Do I have a problem?
I should just be able to rest [like a sane person] before it gets any worse! BUT I don't.
My Problem???
I am stubborn.
There, I said it.
Hello, my name is Nicole and I am Align Centerstubborn.
Are you shocked? I didn't think so, but at least now I can admit that I have a problem.

And now for some [photos] of the past few days' festivities...Enjoy!!

LOVE her smile.

Handstands in the sand!

Snack Time!

Sweet girls!

They were such good shell finders!

Haha :) Love Rylee's face.

This is what Rylee used to call a "Wet Cheese"! :)

Lunch Time!!
Grapes, Raspberries, Blueberries, Strawberries, Raisins, PB&J and Ice Cold Lemonade...Yumm!

Some dolphins came to greet us!!

...And more dolphins!!! They came in so close!

Sandy bottoms!


They said [with gusto] "We're digging to China!"

My little beach girl

Rylee and her friend, Gunner...Such cuties!!!

They have so much fun together!
