The past few days have been super action packed full of packing for our Texas trip, Christmas shopping, Rylee's gymnastics [she took 3 makeups this week for the classes she will be missing plus her regular class...she got her dream for a week- To go to gymnastics everyday!;)], and helping get ready for Rylee's Christmas party at school. Yesterday I dropped Rylee off at school, picked up pictures I had taken of the kids in her class, cut the photos out, made 30 picture frame ornaments for the party, ran to Michael's, picked up more supplies, put a basket together for Rylee's teacher, made goodie bags for 30 kids for Rylee to give out, took Rylee to gymnastics, went to Crossfit, baked more cookies at Rylee's friend's house while both mommies worked on the class yearbook page, went home, washed clothes, packed, and finally went to bed by a little after 2am. Party! ;)
Today was Rylee's big Christmas party at school and it was a success! All the kids and parents had so much fun. As soon as we left school we were en route to the airport. A sweet friend of mine was the brave taxi driver and she did awesome driving us there not once, but twice for that matter in all of about 2 hours...in the rain. We were about half way there when I realized that I had left something super important... probably the most important thing next to Rylee at home sitting nice and cozy on the end of my bed... My money! I'm so awesome. We had a super unexpected and definitely unwanted adventure, but we still made it with time to spare... Woo hoo! Rylee has been talking about taking this trip since school started. Let's just say, she was way SUPER excited and at the same time was a little concerned about the whole flying thing. Last year I went skydiving for my very first time and fell in love, but it slightly freaked Rylee out thinking she would have to do the same thing. I tried explaining to her that this wouldn't be the kind of plane you jump out of [hopefully;)], but she was having a hard time in her mind figuring out how we would get down... In her head the pilot would just say something like, "Okay, all going to Houston it's your turn to go and out we would go!" After much reassurance her anxiety soon turned to full on excitement and she couldn't wait to take off. I think she thought she was on a roller coaster because when we went to take off she yelled at me to put my hands up! She makes me laugh... a lot. This morning while we were getting ready for school she said that when she grows up she doesn't want to wear make up because she thinks she's already "pretty cute without it"... You have NO idea how much that made me smile, laugh, and feel so proud! I hope she always feels that way about herself and I plan to do my very best to keep it that way! :)
Today was Rylee's big Christmas party at school and it was a success! All the kids and parents had so much fun. As soon as we left school we were en route to the airport. A sweet friend of mine was the brave taxi driver and she did awesome driving us there not once, but twice for that matter in all of about 2 hours...in the rain. We were about half way there when I realized that I had left something super important... probably the most important thing next to Rylee at home sitting nice and cozy on the end of my bed... My money! I'm so awesome. We had a super unexpected and definitely unwanted adventure, but we still made it with time to spare... Woo hoo! Rylee has been talking about taking this trip since school started. Let's just say, she was way SUPER excited and at the same time was a little concerned about the whole flying thing. Last year I went skydiving for my very first time and fell in love, but it slightly freaked Rylee out thinking she would have to do the same thing. I tried explaining to her that this wouldn't be the kind of plane you jump out of [hopefully;)], but she was having a hard time in her mind figuring out how we would get down... In her head the pilot would just say something like, "Okay, all going to Houston it's your turn to go and out we would go!" After much reassurance her anxiety soon turned to full on excitement and she couldn't wait to take off. I think she thought she was on a roller coaster because when we went to take off she yelled at me to put my hands up! She makes me laugh... a lot. This morning while we were getting ready for school she said that when she grows up she doesn't want to wear make up because she thinks she's already "pretty cute without it"... You have NO idea how much that made me smile, laugh, and feel so proud! I hope she always feels that way about herself and I plan to do my very best to keep it that way! :)
Rylee is SO photogenic!! Her facial expressions are Priceless!! Lol...