I guess the most difficult thing for me, more so than eliminating grains, will be eliminating CHEESE! I love cheese... All different kinds. Feta, bleu cheese, gorgonzala, cheddar, and Swiss... I love 'em all! A favorite snack of mine has always been cheese and crackers (whole grain, of course;) and so that will be super hard for me. Cheese makes everything better! ;)
Today has gone well so far... Just got back from a 3.5 hour bike ride from HB to the Wedge in Newport Beach, then to Sunset Beach, and then back to my home turf, Huntington Beach. It was a gorgeous, beautiful day and the temperature was nearly perfect. I started off the morning with 3 scrambled egg whites, a clementine, and some coconut water. For a snack, when we reached the Wedge, I had a hard boiled egg white and a clementine. When I got home I had 17 ounces of coconut water, rosemary apricot chicken salad, and some pineapple. Yummy!!! :) I will post all of my meals from today, tomorrow. ;)
All in all, I am feeling great so far. Energy was not an issue at all today, my mind is clear, and I feel hydrated... Except for the slight wind burn I'm sporting right now on my face and lips. :)
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