Last night, while we were continuing our Christmas decorating, Rylee busts out in chorus [while dancing around the living room in her Christmas pajamas] at the top of her lungs, "Joy to the World! The Lord is GONE!" Oh my goodness! I couldn't help but laugh... How precious and innocent she is. While trying to correct her she insisted she was singing it the right way. I really hope she's not right. ;) She is slightly stubborn, though. Hmmm... I wonder where she gets that from??
Day Seventeen= A successful day in the making! :) I did some yoga this morning and our instructor had us focus on gratitude. We were to focus on all the things we were so thankful for during class. How refreshing! Gosh, I could probably write a novel on everything I am grateful for. After class I had another amazing salad from Jan's Health Bar today for lunch with grilled chicken breast, avocado, carrots, cucumber, dark leafy greens, and a cup of fruit and at the moment I am sipping on some coconut water. Later we're off for family fun night with another family who has a little girl who is Rylee's age. First stop... Sushi on Fire. Second stop... the HB Main Street Fair where the girls can play and I get get some fresh fruits and veggies! Should be a fun time and will most definitely be any easy night for staying paleo!
I am working on gradually posting some more pictures from our road trip adventure over Thanksgiving week! I have a few below and more to come [in random order]! Enjoy! :)
[View of Downtown New Orleans and the Mississippi River from the balcony]