Reading to Rylee's class :)
Rylee and her sweet friend, Karilyn's glow in the dark pajama birthday party.
Rylee's friend, Anna, she met at the CF Gymnastics Cert in Arizona... They had such a blast together!
It is Ocean Week right now at Rylee's school. This was taken on Friday at their assembly. They are all so precious!
It's been a while since I posted a little update... So, here it goes!
I will start with my super awesome little lady, Rylee. Rylee turned 6 this past August and started 1st grade. I still can't believe it! She has been doing amazing well in school and has a wonderful teacher who has been teaching 1st grade at her school in the same classroom for almost 30 years! She has turned into quite the little bookworm and is so precious! If we go anywhere she takes books with her to keep her busy and is able to keep herself entertained. It has quickly become one of her favorite things to do, which makes me oh, so happy. I feel so blessed that she gets to attend such a a wonderful school where she has 3 recesses and eats snack and lunch outside each day. She gets to go to garden class called "Grow Your Own Lunch" where they actually grow their own veggies that are served at lunchtime. She goes to computer class, writer's workshop, art class, science class, music class, library, PE, and cardio club. She also is able to go on about 4-6 field trips throughout the school year and yes, this is all at a public school... in California. Through all the budget cuts across the state and the U.S. the families of our district and school have pulled together and have been able to raise more than enough money each year to keep ancillary classes and pay for part of the teachers' salaries plus keeping teacher's aids in each classroom while keeping the class size down to around 20 kids per class. I cannot say enough good things about her school and I am so excited about all the super cool opportunities and experiences she has had and will continue to have.
Outside of school, Rylee is currently taking art lessons, gymnastics, Russian ballet, jazz, and crossfit. We are looking to start her in swim lessons very soon and she would love to learn how to play the guitar and violin... So, those are next on the list. She has also been asking about soccer, too! AHHH! We can only fit in so much each week! ;) She loves playing with friends and riding her scooter outside when we're at home and just LOVES to be outside doing something active. She is an amazing little angel and I am sooooo so proud of her!
My little bookworm:)
Our sweet friends Katie and Kate with Rylee.
About a month and a half ago we were able to make it out to Oahu for a little over a week and boy, was that too short! ;) It was my first time and I cannot begin to tell you how much I loved it there. Marcus was fortunate enough to have lived there for about 6 years and his mom still lives there for part of the year on a boat in a marina in Waikiki... So super cool! My favorite part of the whole trip was when we kayaked out to the Moke Islands right off Lani Kai. We saw sea turtles, tons of reef and super cool fish. Rylee was scared at first, but was such a trooper and came along with us. She had such a blast! Then we kayaked over to Lani Kai beach and spent the afternoon there... It was SO beautiful and peaceful!! Everywhere we went Rylee made new friends and had a such a great time. Another favorite day of mine was when we went snorkeling in Hanauma Bay. It was originally a volcano crater that flooded a very long time ago and now is a gorgeously, amazing place to go check out sea life or just hang out on the beach! Another favorite part of mine was meeting everyone at CrossFit Oahu and CF Kailua and working out there almost everyday. I miss it!!! I also got to see my cousin, Justin, for the first time in 14 years! I still can't believe it had been that long! It was such an amazing, super fun trip and I can't wait to go back! I posted some photos from our trip below... Enjoy!
Secret Island
As far as me and what I'm doing... Coaching, coaching, coaching! I seriously am living my passion everyday! I feel so blessed to be able to do what I LOVE everyday... Helping people live healthier, more positive lives! I have been coaching at CrossFit Counter Culture for a little over a year now and I have continued coaching gymnastics, as well. I started a weekly boys' CrossFit class and have another kids' class in the works. I was also recently invited to coach on the CrossFit Gymnastics Certification Staff. I am so excited and honored!!! I am also doing some in-home training/coaching for some really awesome people and having such a blast! Along with everything we are in the in the process of starting our own CrossFit gym. I am so super excited!

Somewhere in Arizona

The aftermath of 12.3

Post Super Spartan Race in Vail Lake

I seriously wake up every morning in disbelief that this is really my life! I really am living my dream on the daily. I am able to do what I love and still make a decent living while being able to volunteer weekly in Rylee's class at school, take and pick Rylee up from school almost everyday, take her to all her extracurricular activities, play dates, etc. Obviously this is still life and no day is perfect and some days are just going to be better than others, but I have absolutely no room for complaints! Life is good.
This past weekend was full of unexpected surprises! On Thursday, April 5th I will turn 29 and the celebration came early! It all started when my sweet boyfriend picked me up from the gym on Friday and surprised me with an early birthday gluten free red velvet cupcake, a beautiful sunflower, and a weekend getaway to a super cute little town in the mountains!!!! He secretly planned it all out and even had packed my bag!! Ahhh! Lol ;) He even made arrangements for Rylee boo to stay with our super sweet friend, Myra, who took Rylee to Sea World while we were gone!!!
Rylee at Sea World
Seriously... How did I get so lucky??? :) When we arrived we saw the cute little cabin we would be staying in. It had a cute little fireplace, an awesome porch for sipping hot drinks, and the cutest little nook for a bed! We went and ate some famous Julian apple pie, then came back, got the fire going, and watched my favorite movie (that he had rented ahead of time:)), "Elizabethtown". We woke up the next morning and sipped some hot cider tea out on the porch and then went and found a yummy little breakfast place. The rest of the day was so incredibly fun and relaxing just doing whatever we wanted with no agenda. When we got back I had another surprise from friends on Sunday morning with brunch at The Beach House, mimosas, pedicures, bacon, a Lulu gift card:), and we finished the day sitting on a cliff watching the most beautiful sunset over the ocean! You have no idea how excited and surprised I was and how much it all meant to me!!! I am so thankful and feel so incredibly lucky:)) Best. Birthday. Ever! Here are some more photos! :)